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The Benefits of Chemical Peels

Advanced Dermatology

Most of us have probably heard of chemical peels before. We’ve probably seen them advertised on TV or in magazines, and they’re almost always referred to as “chemical peels”. But, do you know what they are, what they do, and the different types? Learn more below.

What is a Chemical Peel?

A chemical peel is a medical procedure that uses a chemical solution to improve the appearance of your skin. Chemical peels are the most common non-invasive cosmetic procedure performed in the United States. There are three different types of chemical peels, depending on the skin condition that you are trying to treat:

  • Treatment for Acne

  • Treatment for Blemishes

  • Treatment for Sun Damage

  • Treatment for Wrinkles

What Are the Benefits of Chemical Peels?

Let’s start with the benefits. First of all, there are a number of benefits of chemical peels, and they include:

  • Deep Cleansing. Chemical peels can help cleanse the top layer of your skin and get rid of the dirt and oil that you’ve been accumulating over the years.

  • Brightening of the skin

  • Smoothing of the skin

  • Reduction of scarring

  • Reduction of the appearance of fine lines.

  • Treatment for acne - Acne is a common skin condition that can affect people at any age. Acne is a skin condition that affects the pores on the face, neck, chest, back, and even the scalp. Inflammatory acne occurs when the follicle becomes plugged and there is an overgrowth of skin bacteria in the follicle. Definitely, acne can be embarrassing and frustrating. But, it can also be treated effectively.

  • Treatment for comedones - A comedone is a non-inflammatory acne lesion often referred to as a whitehead (closed comedone) or a blackhead (open comedone). These are hair follicles that have become plugged with a protein called keratin.

  • Treatment for Sun Damage - The skin of your face is naturally very sensitive to sunlight. Sun damage can occur at any age, and frequently manifests as brown spots, fine lines, and loss of skin elasticity.

  • Treatment for Wrinkles - Wrinkles are the telltale signs of aging. As we age, our skin becomes thinner, loses its elasticity, and becomes less able to fight off the effects of the environment. Chemical peels can be effective way to treat wrinkles.

How Are Chemical Peels Performed?

There are several different types of chemical peel solutions, classified generally as superficial, medium and deep. The more superficial peels are used for surface issues such as comedones and sun spots, while the deeper peels are required for deeper wrinkles and acne scarring. Expect to experience a mild burning sensation during the peel itself, and redness and peeling for several days after the peel. It is important to avoid sunlight for several days after a chemical peel of any depth.

The chemical peel is typically performed in the office of a Dermatologist, ideally one who is certified by the American Board of Dermatology or Plastic Surgeon. It is important to research the qualifications of the physician who will supervise your chemical peel. All of our physicians at Advanced Dermatology are certified by the American Board of Dermatology and have extensive experience in this area.

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