Giving Back
Giving Back : Globally
The care that the physicians at Advanced Dermatology provide doesn't stop at the boundary of the clinic walls.
They are committed to sharing their knowledge, expertise and abilities by serving all over the world. They believe that it is their responsibility to serve others, wherever that service takes them. Top quality healthcare should not be exclusive only to those who are fortunate enough to afford it or live in a country that provides it, and we believe we have a responsibility to share our unique gifts by serving those in need, wherever they are.
This dedication to service is rooted in Faith. Dr. Sowell is a member of the Christ Presbyterian Church in Hampton Cove, Dr. Raby attends Mayfair Church of Christ and Dr. Wilson attends First Presbyterian Church in downtown Huntsville, AL. Each one of them integrates the foundations of their Faith into all aspects of their career; honoring the gifts they have been blessed with in this lifetime and giving back in any way possible.
Dr. Wilson has been involved with and supportive of the Community Free Clinic for many years. The mission of the Community Free Clinic is to provide free healthcare to the members of Madison county that don't have insurance.
Dr. Raby frequents Central America on medical mission trips with his church. A long time,dedicated supporter of underdeveloped communities that don't have access to the same resources that we do, he's made close to 30 trips as a doctor to serve in any way that he can.
Dr. Sowell has been involved with a ministry called HEALS clinic for almost 20 years, taking care of dermatology issues for Lincoln School students and their families through a dermatology clinic at the school in the past, and now through his office as needs arise. He also serves in a monthly. dermatology clinic at the Downtown Rescue Mission, a cause he believes strongly in. In other parts of the world, Dr. Sowell has also provided attentive health care to those in need all the way from the Galapagos Islands to the Peruvian Amazon to Russia with a missionary organization called e3 Partners. e3 is a Christian based church planting organization that uses health clinics as one avenue to reach people all over the world. For more information visit e3's website: https://e3partners.org/
Giving Back - The Amazon Mission
In Peru, they set up functional medical clinics in six different villages along the Amazon river. In the Galapagos Island, Dr. Sowell volunteered his labor in a clinic setting, serving those in the area where a new church was planned.
These photos are from Dr. Sowell’s mission trip into the Amazon. Dr. Sowell and his team flew into Iquitos Peru, a city of 300,000 with no road access, just air plane or boat. From there they took a boat up the Amazon and stopped at four different clinic sites over five days, all different villages on Amazon tributaries. They brought much needed care to children and adults who have never before seen a dermatologist. As Dr. Sowell told us, “I get more out of helping these special people than I can explain. It feels so good to help them, give them the care they need, and let them know they are loved.”

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Giving Back - The Kursk, Russia Mission
In Russia, the gypsy population is often overlooked and underserved by the Russian government and most civilians. During his time in Kursk, Dr. Sowell ministered to and offered treatment to the poorer members of the population.
Advanced Dermatology offers financial support to a ministry in St. Petersburg, Russia operated by a friend of Dr. Sowell’s who was once an orphan in Russia himself.
Traveling in places where resources are scarce and medical support is hard to come by has served as a loud reminder to the physicians to thoroughly appreciate every person, every thing, and every day. Where ample blessings abound, it can be easy to take things for granted, to forget to celebrate and show gratitude for all that you’ve been gifted in this life.
Our commitment to providing the finest care and compassionate respect to our patients is rooted in our philosophy of life. Your life is precious, your time here is a gift, and we want nothing more than for you to be able to feel and live your best every moment of every day.
We are beyond grateful for the practice that we have built at Advanced Dermatology, the lessons that we have learned, the life we get to live, and the people we get to serve.

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Giving Back : Locally
As much as we value and believe in the importance of going out into the world and serving in any way that you can, we also firmly believe in the importance of pouring into the community that you live in.